Rest In Peace, Dear One

I thought I saw your face today,
in the sparkle of the morning sun.
And then I heard the angel say,
“Their work on earth is done.”

I thought I heard your voice today,
then laugh your hearty laugh.
And then I heard the angel say,
“There’s peace dear one at last.”

I thought I felt your touch today,
in the breeze that rustled by.
And then I heard the angel say,
“The spirit never dies.”

I thought I saw my broken heart,
in the crescent of the moon.
And then I heard the angel say,
“The Lord is coming soon.”

I thought that you had left me,
for the stars so far above.
And then I heard the angel say,
“They left you with their love.”

I thought that I would miss you so,
and never find my way.
And then I heard the angel say,
“They’re with you every day.”

The sun, the wind, the moon, the stars,
will forever be around,
reminding you of the love you shared,
and the peace they’ve finally found.

By Bobbi Davies

AT&T Is the Bane of My Existence

If you hear about a Southern woman going off on AT&T, that might be me.

No joke!

AT&T is driving me nuts.

Twice in one week, I put in an order to add a feature to my phone service. Twice in one week, AT&T managed to lose the order. Needless to say, I’m not getting the added feature.

Calling AT&T is a huge lesson in futility.

Man’s automated voice: “Welcome to AT&T. Is this the number you are calling about?”

Me: “Yes!”

Man’s voice: “How can we help you today?”

Me: “Representative.”

Man’s voice: “I did not understand you. Please state your reason for calling so I can transfer you to the right department.” (Something like that and trust me he’s lying.)

Me: “Representative. Representative. Representative.”

Man’s voice: “Hold on while I transfer you to someone who can help you.” (He’s lying, again.)

Me: “It’s about damn time!”

Then, a voice comes on the line and it’s barely audible. After stating my reason for calling, I’m told that I’ve reached the wrong department and need to be transferred.

Me: “Each time I call AT&T, I get transferred 3-4 times and I’m sick of it.”

Representative: “Please hold.”

AT&T sucks!

© Catherine Evermore. All rights reserved.

Here Comes Hurricane Season


In the “Everything Is Getting On My Last Good Nerve” category, hurricane season begins in just a few days.

It’s hot. Some of us are still wearing masks. It’s about to get really rainy, and I’m ready to run away from home.

Seriously. Life is getting on my nerves.

I know, I know. That’s not a very nice thing to say, but I’m telling you my coping skills suck. I just want some peace and tranquility.

Is that asking for too much?



Have you ever known a moocher?

I’m not talking about the kind of moocher who borrows a few dollars or a smoke or a cup of sugar and never repays the favor. I’m talking about the kind of person whose friends, family, and sometimes co-workers pay the moocher’s way though a portion of their adult life.

I find it astounding how these moochers do it. They don’t work a steady job, they might do an odd job here or there, and they are oftentimes smart, fairly well-educated people who manage to live a good life off the backs of others. In fact, they might live a better life than those who enable the moocher.

I’ve known a few moochers along the way, and I’ve tried to avoid them like the plague.

Many years ago, I worked with a moocher. After helping out as much as was humanly possible, I had to put a stop to it. A new job helped me to ease out of the situation.  It wasn’t long before the moocher found someone else to pick up the slack.

Then there is the “poor me” kind of person. There is always enough money to support their favorite habit or addiction, but never enough money to meet their rent, pay their utility bills, put gas in their car, or buy groceries.

That’s when some unsuspecting soul comes along, befriends such a person, and the next thing you know they are financially supporting a total stranger. It happens all the time.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about helping those who truly need it, but the habitual moocher or the constant “poor me” … not so much.

Anyway, I don’t know why this topic came up. Maybe the chatter about the moochers who live off the government had something to do with it.

Just saying …

© Catherine Evermore. All rights reserved.

Here a Portal, There a Portal, Everywhere a Portal Portal

Dear Lord above!

All of my doctors (and there are far too many for my taste) have portals. Gone are the days of picking up the phone, calling the office, and actually speaking to a human being.

If I do call, I get to push a button for a laundry list of doctors, or push another button for another laundry list of doctors, or push yet another button for a nurse or medication renewal or blah blah blah.

So, I use a portal. I currently have five portals with five different passwords that take me around my elbow to get to my ass. Does that make sense?

I’m whipped!

It would be much easier to reduce the number of doctors in my life (pity I never married a doctor), thus reducing these insane portals which would make my life so much more enjoyable.

I wonder if they would miss me? With a couple of exceptions, most of these guys act as if they have never seen me before because we seem to have the same conversation each time I’m there at their request.

Maybe I will cancel a visit or two just to test them out. If they miss me, they can write via …

wait for it …

the freakin’ portal.

© Catherine Evermore. All rights reserved.

Television Is Boring

Seriously, TV shows are boring me to death. The news shows are all about social injustice, cancel culture, BLM, we hate Republicans, Donald Trump sucks, Biden is wonderful (NO! He’s not!) … the list goes on and on.

I’m watching “The Closer” series for the third time on Prime. When “Bosch” comes back this summer, I will binge watch every single episode from day one before watching the new season.

As the TV cancellation list is made available, I see that one of my favorite shows has been canceled. Why? I suspect it’s because the writing sucks!

Writers today (of which I am not one) are all over the map. I watched one show that had at least five different scenarios going on at the same time. Please. Give me maybe two things to concentrate on and you’ve got me as a fan. Five or six? Forget about it.

The news isn’t much better. I watch local news for the weather report. For weeks now, local news has been all about COVID and the renaming of local schools (my alma mater is being attacked). It seems that students who attend schools name for Confederate generals are unhappy. Forget the fact that these schools have been around since the 1920’s.

In a way, I understand how they feel; however, changing the name of a school won’t guarantee that the students aren’t going to be just as stupid tomorrow as they are today. It’s more of the cancel culture thing that drives me nuts!

Back to TV … mine is free TV as I refuse to pay anyone to bring me hundreds of stations that I will never watch. Free TV gives me 20-30 stations that I’m basically ignoring anyway, so what’s the point.


© Catherine Evermore. All rights reserved.